At Moonambel Primary School we prioritise quality Literacy and Numeracy learning from Foundation to Year 6, with daily programs that align with the Victorian Curriculum. We understand that literacy and numeracy learning is central to the learning and development of every student. Producing literate and numerate students is at our core and we proudly share student learning and achievement with our families and promote student learning achievements throughout our school.
Within our structured fortnightly program we integrate learning in key areas of the curriculum including sciences, civics & citizenship, history and geography. Staff provide term planning documents to supports parents' understanding about the broad curriculum development at each year level. The integration of these key areas of the curriculum are additionally supported through our fortnightly MARC (Mobile Area Resource Centre) program.
Learning in the classroom is supported by the development of skills in information technology. All of our students have 1:1 access to notebooks and iPads. These technologies are seen and used as a tool for learning and provides stimulating and modern teaching platforms for students to extend and monitor their learning. Students access software programs such as; Essential Assessment, Epic, Google Classroom and Google Drive.
Specialist learning areas include Physical Education, The Arts: Dance, Music, Performing Arts, Media Arts, Visual Arts and STEM which are rotated on a two year learning cycle. We are very proud of our rich and diverse curriculum that we immerse our students in. Our school offers a range of opportunities to partake in local and regional sporting events within our Pyrenees Cluster.
Fortnightly the Pyrenees Cluster Primary Schools of Moonambel, Landsborough, Natte Yallock, Amphitheater, Trawalla and Navarre work together at one of the primary schools to engage in a range of curriculum areas. These include Science, Music, Visual Arts, PE and Respectful Relationships.
Our camps and excursion program is also extensive, linking our learning to the world. All students from Foundation to Grade 6 are invited and encouraged to partake.
Students mental health and wellbeing are at the center of all that we do at Moonambel Primary School. We see wellbeing as the same importance as academic learning. We are a Visible Wellbeing school which encompasses the science of wellbeing with the science of learning. The three key goals for Visible Wellbeing at our school are:
Additionally to this students are developmentally exposed and explicitly taught what our school values (Kind, Respectful and Responsible) look like, feel like and sound like in action.
We provide a comprehensive student report twice per year, June and December. Supporting the written format of reporting twice a year students, staff and families come together for learning conversations to share student learning, growth, achievement and areas of further development. At Moonambel Primary School we warmly welcome families to support learning in our classrooms and strongly value our home/school partnerships with all families.
Acting Principal
Education Support
Business Manager
MARC Teacher
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We acknowledge the Dja Dja Wurrung people, the Traditional Owners of this land. We pay our respects to the Elders past, present and emerging. For they hold the memories, the traditions and the culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across the nation.
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